This one-hour, zero-cost call is a great vibe check.
It's your opportunity to get all the information you need to decide if I'm the coach to help you.
On this call, we'll dive into:
Why you booked the call. I'd love to know what prompted you to schedule a call with me. What's weighing on you? What do you want to change?
My coaching process, and how we’d work together to change things for you.
The details: money, time commitments, the whole shebang. No surprises here - I'm all about transparency. (Coaching packages range from $2k-$5k, with payment plan options.)
If we're a match made in heaven or if it's just not in the cards. NO pressure - seriously. This isn't a sleazy sales pitch; it's a conversation to give you more information. If we're not a fit, I'm happy to refer you to other coaches I know if you want to keep looking.
Getting the info you need to make a decision - for today. Whether you’re hiring me, or hanging up without moving forward, I want you to feel good about whatever decision you make. That's the goal.
Consultations are FOR YOU - not for me.
You get to connect with another human who's genuinely interested in your life and wellbeing.
To be honest, I love these calls.
And my hunch is you'll love your call too.